Wednesday, March 30, 2011

我很想愛他 - JJ Lin

我很想愛他 - JJ Lin

Lyric plus pinyin:

天空 下起雨了 Tiānkōng xià qǐ yǔ le
他撐的傘 tā chēng de sǎn
在你的身邊陪著 zài nǐ de shēnbiān péi zhe
可是 我不快樂 kěshì wǒ bù kuàilè
因為看見 yīnwèi kànjiàn
他臉上的笑 tā liǎn shàng de xiào
是很勉強的 shì hěn miǎnqiáng de
我很想愛他 wǒ hěn xiǎng ài tā
但是眼睛在說謊 dànshì yǎnjīng zài shuōhuǎng
隱瞞比較容易吧 yǐnmán bǐjiào róngyì ba
免得感情變的複雜 miǎnde gǎnqíng biàn de fùzá
我很想愛他 wǒ hěn xiǎng ài tā
但是理智在吵架 dànshì lǐzhì zài chǎojià
退出可能解圍嗎 tuìchū kěnéng jiěwéi ma
誰能給我一個好的回答 sheí néng gěi wǒ yīgè hǎo de huídá
如果 再捨不得 rúguǒ zài shěbude
這樣下去 zhèyàng xiàqù
我們每個人都是受害者 wǒmen měi gèrén dōu shì shòuhài zhě
我很想愛他 wǒ hěn xiǎng ài tā
但是眼睛在說謊 dànshì yǎnjīng zài shuōhuǎng
隱瞞比較容易吧 yǐnmán bǐjiào róngyì ba
免得感情變的複雜 miǎnde gǎnqíng biàn de fùzá
我很想愛他 wǒ hěn xiǎng ài tā
但是理智在吵架 dànshì lǐzhì zài chǎojià
退出可能解圍嗎 tuìchū kěnéng jiěwéi ma
誰能給我一個好的回答 shuí néng gěi wǒ yīgè hǎo de huídá
當愛情 dāng àiqíng
陷在危險邊緣 xiàn zài wéixiǎn biānyuán
是否都會傷痕累累shìfǒu dūhuì shānghén lěilěi
是否都會苦不堪言 shìfǒu dūhuì kǔ bùkān yán
我很想愛他 wǒ hěn xiǎng ài tā
但是眼睛在說謊 dànshì yǎnjīng zài shuōhuǎng
隱瞞比較容易吧 yǐnmán bǐjiào róngyì ba
免得感情變的複雜 miǎnde gǎnqíng biàn de fùzá
我很想愛他 wǒ hěn xiǎng ài tā
但是理智在吵架 dànshì lǐzhì zài chǎojià
退出可能解圍嗎 tuìchū kěnéng jiěwéi ma
誰能給我一個好的回答 shuí néng gěi wǒ yīgè hǎo de huídá
愛情教會我們都放不下 àiqíng jiàohuì wǒmen dōu fàng bùxià

Saturday, March 26, 2011

After reading "The Kite Runner"

There is only one sin in this life, only one. Ant that is theft. Every other sin is a variation of theft.

Confusing, isn't it?

When you kill a man, you steal a life. You steal his wife'e husband, rob his children of a father. When you tell a lie, you steal someone's right to the truth.
When you cheat, you steal the right to fairness.

Do you understand now? If still not, try to think about it.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

internet priavacy is dead, isn't it?

It is a much-missed wonder of how just 10 years ago, life used to have much more privacy. We basically check our e-mail, open some websites of interest, and that's it. No social networking sites, no instant messenger, no Wikipedia.

Because now with practically (almost) everybody whom we know either have a Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Plurk, or LinkedIn account (or all of them), privacy on the internet is a nonexistent thing.

On this regard, I specifically refer to Facebook. No matter how much seclusion you impose on your privacy settings, there is always a loophole that sooner or later can fall into malefic hands.

You may think that your recent picture of you and your friends, being intimate by the shores of Malibu as totally harmless. Well, wait until one day you apply for a job at Microsoft or run as a mayor (who knows?). Potential employers do trawl the virtual world for such tripes, and the matter of how much information you disclose in the internet may well be regarded as a threat, since it also means that you may also disclose company's confidential informations.

But oh well, internet privacy is dead, isn't it?

Even my blog is still alive.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Everything is Not Always What It Seems

Hmmm... Dah lama banget ngga nulis nulis. Bukan karena sibuk, tapi lagi ga tau aja mau nulis apa. Hari ini, kebetulan aku dengerin lagu di youtube, lagu indo, dan entah kenapa lagu itu buat aku sedih. Honestly, udah berhari hari, bahkan mungkin berminggu minggu, mood ku selalu ngga baik. Dan yang jadi masalah, aku ga tau kenapa mood ku selalu unhappy.

Beberapa hari yang lalu, seorang adek kelas memanggil di kotak chat.
"Lu kenapa hari ini?", tanyanya.
"Kenapa gimana? Gua kaga kenapa2 kog", jawabku dengan agak sedikit bingung.
"Muka lu bete amat tadi gua liat", balasnya.
"Hah... Masa sih?? Kaga kog. Baru bangun tidur kali.. hahhhaha", jawabku berusaha menutupi perasaanku sebenarnya.
"Oh... ya udah kalo ga papa. Kirain ada apa2", jawab si adek kelas mengakhiri percakapan kami.

Aku... Duduk diam di depan laptop. Saat itu aku sedang membuka suatu berita, entah berita apa, karena sebenarnya aku hanya melamun, memandangi tulisan tulisan yang bukan bahasa indonesia. Aku terus melamum sampe perhatian ku teralih melihat jam di sudut laptop.

"Wah... Sudah jam 8 malam, waktunya olah raga", pikirku kemudian mengambil kaos kaki di lemari dan memakai sepatu olah ragaku. Mengisi air minum di Tumbler Starbucks-ku kemudian berangkat...

Sesampainya di running track...

"Hm.. ga banyak orang hari ini, tumben ya", pikirku dalam hati. Setelah meletakkan tas berisi Tumbler ku di kursi pinggir running track, melepas jaket biru pemberian bos kakakku, aku pun mulai kegiatan olahragaku. Pertama tama, berjalan mengelilingi running track sebanyak 2 putaran, kemudian BERLARIII... Beberapa kali aku berhenti di tengah2 kegiatan berlari-ku, beristirahat, kemudian berlari lagi.

Tanpa aku sadari, 2 jampun berlalu begitu saja di running track. "Hm.. waktu berjalan cepat sekali ya", kataku pada diriku sendiri sambil melihat jam. Waktunya cooling down!!!! Aku pun berjalan santai untuk cooling down, sebelum kemabali ke asrama. Tanpa kusadari, tiba2 kepalaku menengadah ke atas, memandang langit malam itu. "Ngga ada bintang, as usual", gumamku. "Sebenernya pasti ada bintang, cuma ngga kelihatan aja, mungkin karena polusi udara di kota ini terlalu parah", kataku sambil tersenyum.

"Good friends are like Stars, you don't always see them, but you know they are always there"

Mungkin memang benar sepertin yang orang2 tulis di status FB mereka tentang seorang sahabat. Sama halnya dengan adik kelasku yang entah bagaimana, bisa tau perasaan ku sebenarnya, dimana orang lain ga melihat kepedihan hati ini. Only few people, who able to see my fake smile. Thank you, Megi!

Everything is not always what it seems. Some people hide their tears, maybe with some reason or maybe without any reasons. I came to the realization that NOT everything happens for a reason. Everything that happens has a cause, not reason. Don't you ever think, that "cause" and "reason" are two different things??? For those, who said "everything happens for a reason". Try to understand my previous sentence.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Place Yourself in the Other Person's Shoes

In all of the debate surrounding gendered language, I’d like to offer a perspective shift away from focusing on the “badness” or “goodness” inherent in words themselves.

Words hurt not because of we detect a “wrong” property in the word, but because language is an expression of how we take others to be important. We all believe we deserve some level of consideration from other people.

When we address another person, choosing words carefully can show an appreciation for their agency, their individual personhood.

If I tell someone I’d rather not be referred to in a certain way and they deliberately go against that wish, I instinctively find it offensive that the person did not regard my desire as worth her attention.

In this sense, it isn’t the property of the word, nor even the association of the word that seems to be offensive, but rather the motivation of the individual for not taking my wishes as important.

We shouldn’t overly sensitize our language just for the sake of it, but we should realize that our words are a manifestation that shows how much we care about other people.

Choose your words carefully not because of some regard for an abstract system of correctness, but because you want other people to feel that you take them worthy of your effort and consideration.